Submit a tip
Longform Letter takes your safety seriously. Please review our methodology for keeping you safe, and how you can minimize risks.
You must sign in to your Brandeis University email to submit a tip. Please see the methodology below for an explanation.
Your email is NOT collected by the form, it is only used to access it.
Your email is NOT collected by the form, it is only used to access it.
When you're ready: submit your tip
Why we use Google Forms
- All tips originate from Brandeis University students and staff connected to University WiFi. Google Forms does not stand out in internet traffic logs.
- This makes it nearly impossible for the University to block or censor the tip-line should it try to do so.
- Google has a strong reputation for securing data. It is much more likely a user themselves, rather than Google, will compromise their tip.
- Google Forms automatically checks to ensure tip-submitters are affiliated with the University, providing some level of protection against denial of service attacks. Additional measures have also been taken to prevent this.
- With our configurations in place, there should be no log of submissions visible to University IT, even though tips are submitted while signed in to University emails.
- It's free. This allows us to ensure availability without having to worry about securing funding to continue running some obscure (and rather expensive) platform.